Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mentors Set The Standard

I know that most coaches do their best to help all students. In every aspect of life, I have always expected my coaches/mentors to answer the questions I had. But my coaches/mentors also served me best to keep me focused & a fire under me. When you see how many coaches work with team sports (such as rugby, football, soccer, etc...) you will see that they rarely cut their team any slack. In fact when I played Weak Side Prop for Utah Valley University (it was a state college at the time), the coach never accepted that I worked a 30 hour week & attended school at the same time as an excuse to not preform. There were 4 other guys who wanted my position on the team & if I didn't preform better than others, he would simply replace me & have me be the back up.

He kept a fire underneath of me & taught me a valuable lesson.
I always need to work my best to be the best, & if I was not pulling my own weight I could always choose to take a break from training but that someone else would fill the spot. Though if I had specific questions about how I needed to improve he would answer them.
This is true in life & business as well, if I don't preform better than my competition they will fill my spot!

If I asked my coach, "How do I need to improve?" He would reply, "Push harder & dig down lower!" This didn't make sense to a guy who never played rugby before (as you are likely in the same boat when I tell you this.) Though when I asked, "What specifically can I do to dig lower?" He would take another 45 seconds to grab my shorts & push my butt lower to the ground & then widen my feet to give me more pushing power & stability. Then he would mock me stating that I needed to train my body to assume the possition naturally. I knew that he was doing this to make sure that I was the best prop I could be.

With this said, coaches are here to give you guidance, but many times you will need to ask them to clarify & be specific with the changes you need. If you don't understand still ask, "Why?". This will allow the coach to know that they need to grab your shorts & show you exactly how to take the stance, so to speak.

I would communicate with your coaches & ask them for specific help, stating you don't understand exactly what is needed & more importantly Why it is needed to focus & thrive! This will allow you to do it under your own direction later.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take Care of Your Own Security

I don't know when it happened that citizens of the United States decided that their security should be given into the hands of other men, but everything in history shows me that we are free because our founders, & the soldiers after them, decided to fight for their own rights & security of property, hope, religion, & mind. None of these were ever the same for any man (and in some instances women), but every one of them fought for their right to secure their own pursuit of happiness, property, & thoughts. This includes their right to forging their own financial path, when this is turned into the hands of other men, you do place all of your eggs in one basket. If you have banked on Social Security, it is you own fault that you did not read history to find that this will always fail. If you placed all of your eggs into the company retirement funds, only to find them going under, you must not have read the many examples of children who squander their parent's fortunes. If you invested all of your money into stocks, having not studied the best times to buy & sell, you alone are to blame for your decision to ruin your own finances.

The old adage "Monkey see monkey do" really applies here. Too many people get excited & being a new money making method before they focus on the markets. Remember that it is your individual responsibility to learn all you can before you invest into any endeavor. This is the only way you can thrive!

Now is your time to learn how internet techniques can be applied to ancient principles that every great nation was founded upon. As well just as Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will you find fortune in 24 hours (no matter what many of my great mentors have said on the subject). Your mind must understand the ancient principles of self governance in your own financial life before you will be free. Then you can work on making $80,000+ in 24 hours online. But until you build yourself, you will never so much make even on cent!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Failure just brings you one step closer!

I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan
more famous quotes

How many times have you failed in life? Did you choose to give up? If you have in the past & still do, then you certainly are not in a place you want to be in life. This must be true or you would be happy with where you are. When you focus on any project, give it consistent attention, & continue to work at it; you will inevitably come to the success of your project.

Ask any person who has had any amount of constant success. They will tell you they didn't always get it right 100% of the time. This means they failed before they succeeded at times. Now a child may shoot their basket ball the first time and make the shot, they may make their 2nd, 3rd, & possibly the 4th. But eventually they will miss a shot.

The only way to thrive in your life is to focus on your projects. If you will simply spend some time every day learning & focusing on getting it right (be humble enough to change when you are wrong & to adapt) then you will certainly thrive at anything you choose to do!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cleanliness Is A Vital Key

There are a few things we all must do to put our life in order. There are 4 general areas you need to have clean to help you focus & thrive with your life.

1. Clean area
2. Clean mind
3. Clean heart
4. Clean person

Let's face it if your life is in a state of chaos, you are likely going to end up as a crazy cat lady (instead of being able to run an efficient business). If you are already a crazy cat lady I suggest you get rid of your cats and clean house ;)

There is a reason I clean in the order suggested above. It is easiest to clean your physical surroundings. This is why a clean home is vital, as well this should apply to your car, work space, clothing, your body.
Once you decide to clean the area around you, your mind will shift and your emotional state will clear up much more easily.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Find a Solution

Many people start into network marketing, online marketing, blogging, or multi-level marketing to get rich quick. Plainly put, no one has ever made easy money through any of these means. Yes it is easier than making a good deal of money at a your day job. But you must play to win, instead of playing to not loose.

Have you ever noticed people who make it big in life are the same ones who love life & always talk about success? This does not happen by chance. As in the movie Patch Adams:
Arthur Mendelson: You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem!

Arthur Mendelson: See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity or laziness. See the whole world anew each day!
I am not suggesting that any person ignore problems that come up in life. Though let's not focus on problems, lets focus on solutions. People who produce what they want in life & are always talking about success do it. They too have challenges, but they always focus on solutions. Finding solutions brings accomplishment & joy. Think about something you have truely accomplished. Changing brake pads, beating a tough boss in a video game, or finally getting your kitchen sink cleaned out. If you think about it you will find many things that once you have accomplished them, you are exctied & the success you have brings you joy.

It isn't always easy to accomplish things. I know that my wife will not be around me when I fix cars, as I vocalize my frustrations often while working on them. Though when I have fixed it with my own labor I have that overwhelming feeling of accomplishment (even if I broke 3 tools getting it done).

Also, once you have done some task one time, it does become easy after that to repeat. When successful people tell you it is easy, it is because it is after you have done it once. Though you must be focused on solutions at all times in order to thrive with your life.

I will write more on the attitued of playing to win VS playing not to loose at a later time, but the right attitued is always a choice. A choice you need to make everytime a challenge (most often thought of as problems) comes up.

Don't focus on the problem, always look for, find & focus on the solution.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Focus to Thrive In This World

Many people are having a hard time finding ways to make extra money at this time. In fact I would be amazed if most people are not worried about spending too much at this time in history. As a small business owner I have spent the past 12 months building a few of websites, marketing high end homes, & learning why so many new business owners don't make money.

I have found that so many of us do not focus. We want to make more money NOW! But we loose site of what is really important in order to thrive in these economic times. Having taught over 3,000 people in the past year to build their own business & make returns on their investments. I have found that too many have over leveraged themselves & allow their emotions to control them.

In business you must focus your mind & then you will thrive! The fist key to thrive in any aspect of life, is to focus on how to reach your end goal.