Saturday, August 22, 2009

Find a Solution

Many people start into network marketing, online marketing, blogging, or multi-level marketing to get rich quick. Plainly put, no one has ever made easy money through any of these means. Yes it is easier than making a good deal of money at a your day job. But you must play to win, instead of playing to not loose.

Have you ever noticed people who make it big in life are the same ones who love life & always talk about success? This does not happen by chance. As in the movie Patch Adams:
Arthur Mendelson: You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem!

Arthur Mendelson: See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity or laziness. See the whole world anew each day!
I am not suggesting that any person ignore problems that come up in life. Though let's not focus on problems, lets focus on solutions. People who produce what they want in life & are always talking about success do it. They too have challenges, but they always focus on solutions. Finding solutions brings accomplishment & joy. Think about something you have truely accomplished. Changing brake pads, beating a tough boss in a video game, or finally getting your kitchen sink cleaned out. If you think about it you will find many things that once you have accomplished them, you are exctied & the success you have brings you joy.

It isn't always easy to accomplish things. I know that my wife will not be around me when I fix cars, as I vocalize my frustrations often while working on them. Though when I have fixed it with my own labor I have that overwhelming feeling of accomplishment (even if I broke 3 tools getting it done).

Also, once you have done some task one time, it does become easy after that to repeat. When successful people tell you it is easy, it is because it is after you have done it once. Though you must be focused on solutions at all times in order to thrive with your life.

I will write more on the attitued of playing to win VS playing not to loose at a later time, but the right attitued is always a choice. A choice you need to make everytime a challenge (most often thought of as problems) comes up.

Don't focus on the problem, always look for, find & focus on the solution.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Focus to Thrive In This World

Many people are having a hard time finding ways to make extra money at this time. In fact I would be amazed if most people are not worried about spending too much at this time in history. As a small business owner I have spent the past 12 months building a few of websites, marketing high end homes, & learning why so many new business owners don't make money.

I have found that so many of us do not focus. We want to make more money NOW! But we loose site of what is really important in order to thrive in these economic times. Having taught over 3,000 people in the past year to build their own business & make returns on their investments. I have found that too many have over leveraged themselves & allow their emotions to control them.

In business you must focus your mind & then you will thrive! The fist key to thrive in any aspect of life, is to focus on how to reach your end goal.