Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Focus to Thrive In This World

Many people are having a hard time finding ways to make extra money at this time. In fact I would be amazed if most people are not worried about spending too much at this time in history. As a small business owner I have spent the past 12 months building a few of websites, marketing high end homes, & learning why so many new business owners don't make money.

I have found that so many of us do not focus. We want to make more money NOW! But we loose site of what is really important in order to thrive in these economic times. Having taught over 3,000 people in the past year to build their own business & make returns on their investments. I have found that too many have over leveraged themselves & allow their emotions to control them.

In business you must focus your mind & then you will thrive! The fist key to thrive in any aspect of life, is to focus on how to reach your end goal.

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