Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cleanliness Is A Vital Key

There are a few things we all must do to put our life in order. There are 4 general areas you need to have clean to help you focus & thrive with your life.

1. Clean area
2. Clean mind
3. Clean heart
4. Clean person

Let's face it if your life is in a state of chaos, you are likely going to end up as a crazy cat lady (instead of being able to run an efficient business). If you are already a crazy cat lady I suggest you get rid of your cats and clean house ;)

There is a reason I clean in the order suggested above. It is easiest to clean your physical surroundings. This is why a clean home is vital, as well this should apply to your car, work space, clothing, your body.
Once you decide to clean the area around you, your mind will shift and your emotional state will clear up much more easily.

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