Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take Care of Your Own Security

I don't know when it happened that citizens of the United States decided that their security should be given into the hands of other men, but everything in history shows me that we are free because our founders, & the soldiers after them, decided to fight for their own rights & security of property, hope, religion, & mind. None of these were ever the same for any man (and in some instances women), but every one of them fought for their right to secure their own pursuit of happiness, property, & thoughts. This includes their right to forging their own financial path, when this is turned into the hands of other men, you do place all of your eggs in one basket. If you have banked on Social Security, it is you own fault that you did not read history to find that this will always fail. If you placed all of your eggs into the company retirement funds, only to find them going under, you must not have read the many examples of children who squander their parent's fortunes. If you invested all of your money into stocks, having not studied the best times to buy & sell, you alone are to blame for your decision to ruin your own finances.

The old adage "Monkey see monkey do" really applies here. Too many people get excited & being a new money making method before they focus on the markets. Remember that it is your individual responsibility to learn all you can before you invest into any endeavor. This is the only way you can thrive!

Now is your time to learn how internet techniques can be applied to ancient principles that every great nation was founded upon. As well just as Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will you find fortune in 24 hours (no matter what many of my great mentors have said on the subject). Your mind must understand the ancient principles of self governance in your own financial life before you will be free. Then you can work on making $80,000+ in 24 hours online. But until you build yourself, you will never so much make even on cent!

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